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Showing posts from August, 2012

s[he's] br[ok]en [because] s[he] be[lie]ve[d]

she's smart she never make the same mistake twice she made it five or six times just to be sure sometimes she regrets being nice apologizing when she didn't do anything wrong and for making unworthy people a priority in her life every night before going to bed she reminds herself to forget about it every time she reminds herself she remembers it once again She promised that she'll be there she'll be there as soon as she can but she's busy mending broken pieces of the life she had before and the only thing she does is ignore because she knows she's too good in finding shits out because she knows ignorance is bliss


你觉得自己很可怜 觉得自己上辈子一定是个十恶不赦的大坏蛋 这辈子才会那么倒霉 你说啊 大家都很同情你 你再说啊 就没有人理你了 然后你就觉得大家都是双面人 但其实本来就没有人欠你什么 就算是再好的朋友 给你再多的安慰 再怎么努力试着感同深受 对话筐关掉他们就可以看着周星驰傻笑了 所有的问题你还是得自己去面对和解决 时间根本不会冲淡一切 只有你下定决心让它过去它才会真的过去 也不要再做无谓的比较了 说真的 有些时候你不是输了 而是根本不存在了 更不要再觉得自己很可怜什么的 可怜的人就可怜在他们只注意到自己 觉得自己是灾难片的主角之类的 然后每天沉溺在为什么是我的这种洒狗血的剧情 如果看见你也不会想要浪费同情 所以浪费一首歌的时间之后 就不要再浪费了 拼命着想的事没有带来感动或被感谢 何必呢 赶快找回你的环保意识 吧