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Showing posts from 2015

Let the doctor tells

每个晚上 浪费生命般地滑手机 就是不想那么早迎接放下手机的那一刻瞬时袭来的各种对未知的恐惧 我反反复复地假设了各种情况 心情也跟着所假设的各种情况上下起伏 我时而充满希望 时而情绪低落 我想要浪漫的时候 理性会出来阻止我 我小心计算得失的时候 憧憬的事物却越渐朦胧 我曾以为自己目标明确 现在却每天在怀疑自己当初施的是缓兵之计 企图用看似存在但其实形态模糊的答案敷衍问题 还是说 那时候的我是真的 现在的我也是真的 只是说变了就是变了 如果你问我 我想要的是什么 无论是以前的我还是现在的我甚至是未来的我 答案都会是做自己喜欢做的事 但如果你问我 什么是我喜欢的事 这个问题看似简单 我却无法肯定地回答 因为我害怕现在的喜欢不代表日后的喜欢 因为我害怕我口中说的喜欢的事物只是我的想象并跟现实有着很大程度的差距 因为我害怕我无法把我喜欢的事做得很好 因为我害怕我喜欢的事不是一件会让身边的人觉得骄傲的事 我不敢做决定 我不敢用承诺来让身边的人来支持我的决定 我并不是一定要谁的支持 可是有些决定就算我做了 没有人支持 可行性可以说是零 一个人要做自己喜欢做的事 过程要伤害身边的人的感受 同时却又期望得到身边的人的支持 这不是很自私吗 我可以不顾一切 但我害怕让人失望 我想要看医生 依赖有权威的人来解开我自身的矛盾

everyday is old, everyday is new

I have been looking at it, since then I can't stop thinking about it. I thought everything went well, but then I think maybe not. Something might went wrong. And then I flip through all the pages, trying to get some clues. Maybe I should have ask, but maybe I won't get the answer. Perhaps I am expected to know the answer. It feels really disturbing to be in doubt, I hate it, especially when you think you're supposed to keep quiet because raising questions is only going to make you embarrassed. I don't know what can I do anymore. I mean I want to make things better but I couldn't figure out how. Anyway, I don't want to be sad, I don't want to go to bed sad, so I watch before sunset, and felt a little bit better, but not good enough to say I'm happy. I mean the movie's good but my emotional state, no. You know...I think...the idea of 2015 is a brand new year...and the whole "new year, new hope" thing...they are plain stupid. I try to be posit