跪下吗抑或恐吓 都想过了 我们所不能拥有的 是那重复补染也无法吸附的发色 重来吗不如割舍 还想什么 我们所不懂珍惜的 是耳边那被爸妈碎碎念叨的快乐 有太多的永远都只是片刻 有太多的爱人都只是过客 谁都曾经舍不得 谁都忘了幸福是选择 有更多的模样还没有狂热 有更多的梦想还没有开车 谁还心酸唱离歌 谁还愿意错过下一个
Why should I plan my day? I am NOT the Lord of my life. My Lord is the Lord of the Sabbath who owns and controls the rhythm of life. I should be using every second allocated to me to love the Lord and his people. For me to spend time mindlessly is to profane the Sabbath. For me to spend time on fulfilling my lustful desire is to live like an unregenerate person. Time is linear and I’m created for his purpose. It is ungodly to waste time. I should plan my day so that every second I live, I live to the Lord. I should have known by now that whatever is not in the plan is not going to happen. It is painful to admit that the reason for my stunted growth as a Christian is that far too often, I do whatever I feel like doing at the moment. I should have known better. Make plan to ensure you direct your attention to the right place. Make plan so that you can keep track of your progress and make sure you are on the right track. Repent, remember the lost time, how