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Showing posts from December, 2016


她左手挽着他的右手 右手食指指尖在他右手臂上的图腾上游走 她没有问他那些图腾是什么意思 只是细细看着 两个人在商场里推着购物车 他买家具 她给他的妈妈买礼物 她不记得他们说了些什么 她只是记得她很开心 所以结束之后 她很难过 当她发现她习惯的是用右手去挽左手 一切还是原来的样子啊

too good to be true

It might sound creepy but I had a dream about you last night  not good when I wake up and realized it's just a dream It felt so terrible that I had to put myself back to sleep again and when I'm awake later I asked myself what is this feeling that I still have can't find a word to describe it also I don't know how to deal with it  I just let it be there I didn't want to talk about it  people can be judgmental they are gonna judge me for being such a loser  for not getting over the past   it's socially unacceptable isn't it to be so constant You think I'm sick? I think I am but I can do nothing  sometimes I want to do something however realizing the gap that exists between us it's better to keep things the way they are and I wish I wouldn't have another dream like this one again good night