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Hello me-ed

I looked at what I wrote many years ago and thought that they’re really cool, though some of them make me cringe now.
I wonder what was I thinking and what was I feeling when I was writing each of them. 

They just don’t feel familiar. 

It feels like reading someone else’s writings.
I don’t feel like I know me-ed. 

It’s strange. 

I miss me-ed, the girl who loves to pen down her thoughts and expressing herself with words. 

I want to know her. 

I want to know what it feels like to be her. 

It feels like I lost her somewhere along the way or forgotten her like how Woody’s owner had forgotten him. 

It’s just poof and here we are, total strangers. 

What happened? 

I bet she didn’t see this coming. 

I am almost unrecognizable. 

But thank you Dash and Lily, I probably shouldn’t start a sentence with but, I promise I’m gonna change that. 

It feels good to be back.
