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2010年1月14日 星期四 晴


Ms.Tan : I'll give u a piece of paper to do .
Ronnie : what ? U wanna give me a kiss ?
Ms.Tan : I would rather kill myself .
Ronnie : U hurt me , u broke my heart ....
Ms.Tan : ................
Group Beeeee-ians : wahhahahahhhhahahahahahaaaaahahaha


Ronnie : U know ah , the mxxxx's police very useless 1 lor ...
Someone : Y ?

Ronnie : When they wanna saman u hor , u just speed up ur car and go , I'm sure
that they can't remember ur car plat number

Group Beeeee-ians : hahahahahahaha
Ronnie : Even if they can see , there's only 1 letter or 1 number larrrr......sometimes
ah , they even copy the wrong number .....

Group Beeee-ians : hahahahahahahahahaha

~ To Be Continue ~



  1. your friend is so so so funny! it must be fun to have this kind of classmates!

  2. erm...sometimes they are damn annoying , too noisy ... haha


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