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In a relationship

went over to her house this no idea on what to do over there,just went there 'cause I felt like doing so.too boring at home I guessed.I just don't know why,doing nothing at her house can be fun also.HAHA.weirdo lar then we spent 2 hours singing together.we got less-than-perfect-skill-and-voices but more-than-enough-passion.people might say it's screaming,but don't care lar,we just love SINGING.felt so relieved after the bonding by day and now I'm getting better and better already.slowly,I proceed with my life and let go the past.I don't feel sad for the past like how I used to be 'cause a good friend makes me feel like I'm in a relationship,a TRUE relationship that me and him don't get a chance to practice.I shall really appreciate what I have now.few more months left and we're going to graduate already.till then we couldn't meet each other everyday like now.suddenly feel really down when Imma thinking of this,worrying that we might die for all the assignments and have no time for each other and then becoming hi-bye friend.OMG!no no no!don't wanna get so attached to her already.HAHA.I don't wanna be a sei lesbian,her bf will definitely hate me nine nine.Imma just so scared that I can't make new good friends at uni later (due to my lancy face and retarded social skill) and and and we lose contact then how wor?yerrrrrrrrrrrrrrr........this is too scary.I shall stop the insecurity in me so that I don't get nightmare tonight.pray for our friendship and pray that I can get a good boy friend soon then I can dump her lor.wahahahahahahaha.


  1. you are so stupid and please dont say stupid stuff.what you've worried same as what i thought before.but please,i know our friendship is indeed true and seriously,i really mean to bond with you till the end.ahh dont misunderstood me kay,haha.hey you've promised me so many stuffs,to-do-lists in the future,dont you think i'll let you go off so easily?!oops,tell you something,i really want to hug you much after i saw this.because i feel so much secure that i've found a true friend of mine.sometimes i will still wonder,or doubt.ehh dont because of my pms you purposely tam me ar.i memang very serious in you de ar.if someday you dump me i'll sad sei.dont worry lar,the bear wants me to bond with you much too.he trusts you so much de leh.somemore,my right hand holds him,left hand holds you de wor.nah this was what you said to me de lor.of course lar,once you get your love one then can consider dont hold me de.but never dump me lar.DONT lar i beg you.appreciate our friendship,keep warming it,dont let the feeling fade away kay.we can do it if both of us have the same thought,same mind,same heart :) * sounds lessbiee haha *


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