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curious baby I am , okay , curious lady to be true

" Hope for the best but prepare for the worst " . Anonymous said . I told myself like this too . It sounds easy but in reality things turn out to be the other way . The advices we gave people are often the little things we ourselves can't do . Sometimes no matter how many times we've tried , it just doesn't work , don't you think so ? Anyway , thanks for concerning . I often wonder who will bother to leave me a comment after reading my post 'cause sometimes I kinda crap a lot and I felt kinda surprise and happy whenever I receive mails like [内有败犬 非诚勿扰]“blog post”有新评论 . I love mail like this so people please do comment on my post more often lar . HAHAHAHAHA . I wasn't kidding but I will still blog even without receiving comments lar . erm , lastly , ANONYMOUS , if you see this post , tell me who you are lar so that I can stop wondering so much . LOL
