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The end is always the scariest place to start

This noon , I attended my 1st class of 1st semester in Uni . Ya , I'm a Uni student now , no more spoon feeding , no play play anymore . When I stepped into the auditorium (it looks like a cinema) , I saw almost everyone is in their own gang , with their own friends chit-chatting happily and so I picked a seat which is at the end of the row with nobody no ghost no nothing sitting beside me . At that very moment , I felt so lonely and immediately get homesick . LOL . You know what ? I started flashing back like I am dying in the next second and all in my mind was my loupo . I'm always absent minded and not alert at all , I miss my loupo who had accompanied me and helped me to take note everything during class for so long . In my heart , I was actually singing RIGHT NOW I WISH YOU WERE HERE but she won't be there for me anymore . The day had finally came , all I can do is focus on my studies and fight for my dream alone (since I haven't get to blend with my coursemates yet) . Am I like making myself sound pity ? What lar , I am really pity you know . Guessed it's time for me to be independent and get everything done by myself but not relying on other people too much . YESH !!! It's time for the noob babi like me to GROW UP ! I must not be shy and be more out-going la otherwise with my faceproblem-face , I think no one will come and approach me . ARH ! Why am I no leng lui ??! Hey Uni friends , I am kind and humour inside , come and approach me lar please and I bet you won't regret for knowing me . HAHAHAHA . syok sendiri tsk tsk tsk . Maybe 'coz it's still the 1st day so hopefully things will get better and better soon . By the way , I still get to know a friend lar for this 3 hours class , maybe I should say a NEW HUMAN 'coz I just knew her not long ago . She's sitting infront of me in the class and I approached her 'coz I can't see the slide so I have to borrow her note to copy lar . You know what ? She is a Malay . Come on , nothing to do with the race thingy , she is a 32 years old Malay with 3 children at home . She quit her job and her husband is supporting her studies . WOW ! People with goal to achieve are beautiful that's why to me she don't look like she's married . Em , I must get better result than this baby face aunty ! HAHAHAHA . Lecturer for today's subject is nice too , very punctual also . Came to class on time and talk non-stop till the end of the class . Clap Clap Clap for his DONG DOK XIU . Luckily I still get nice lecturer , at least I can still focus on my studies when I don't get nice friends in the future so I don't feel lonely at Uni . If I am gonna be a loner at Uni , I promised myself to be the top scrorer for my course . LOL . THINK TOO MUCH As what Dr.Goh mentioned during today's lecture , people feel stressful undergoing changes in life . So true , I am under stress now . Some people said the only constant in life is changing . True also . So I think I am constantly under stress . this lar my 1st day of Uni , I finish my report to my old friends dy .

Just now , went OverTime with my loupo 'coz she miss me so badly and wanted to meet up with me so badly . Nah ! Never ever believe my crap . FYI , she's singing there . *PROUD* I have a talented wife . haha . Listening to those sentimental songs , sitting alone at the corner , I nearly cry in the public , to be honest , tear actually rolled down my face , rolling deep . Luckily the place is dark and not packed , and I got only one tear drop . hahaha . I just simply think too much again . I always know I should have leave all these shyt behind long time ago but I just can't stop myself from thinking . I seriously wanna get rid of these shyt so badly you know but I can't do anything to help . I never wish for something so hard before , I used to give up easily but now why ? I hate getting trapped by the same shyt over and over again , I felt so embarassing til I don't even dare to turn this up to my friends anymore . I hate being held back by those shyt , someone please save me from this , I wanna leave this tragedy and run to my comedy larhhhhhhhhh . Tell meeeeeeehhhhhhhhh by when is this going to end !

emotionally exhausted.go to bed now and get myself ready for a better tomorrow.

Lee Ghai Yein , you can do it ! YAY !


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