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We can have feelings but we don't need to let them have us

Too much of negative thought and feeling recently that's why I had been blogging about shyt days ago , hopefully it was just over thinking due to stress . Things seem to get better now , not to say that I had already get over these , but I will try my best to get through these . By the way , today is my last day of class for my 1st week in Uni , and on my second day and third day , thanks to my high school friends who are from the earlier intake of the course , I got to know more new friends who are their friends and all of them are nice and friendly . Oh ya , someone approached me on the 3rd day . She's a korean-like-pretty-chinese-girl , coming for the course alone , so she asked to sit next to me and 'coz she missed out the first 2 lectures due to late enrolment , I kinda helped her on things she missed out lar . Not boasting about my greatness or anything kay , just that I never thought that people like me who's new and feeling helpless would be helpful to others . The moral of the story is I'm feeling good in helping her . LOL . This is what a PSYCHOLOGIST want to do and should be doing , right ? HAHAHAHA . More to go before I can become a psychologist , it's too early to dream now . I don't even know how to do the psychology assignments given . YA , assignments !!!! GIVEN ON THE 1ST DAY OF CLASS !!! Now you should know why am I feeling stressful , I think same goes to all the newbies . Anyway , I can still get help from my high school friends and my senior . I'm damn lucky to have them or else I will be like damn lost . My senior seriously very the helpful and kind . He offered to lend me his textbook for the whole semester and said that he can help me in checking my assignments format . SO GOOD RIGHT ?!!! At least now I don't feel like how I felt on the 1st day , really thanks GOD .

I believe if HE took away something from me , sooner or later HE will give me something in return too . Sometimes , we just have to be more patience . I think I just gotta leave things behind and work hard for my future even if I'm doing these alone , I just have to be more brave or else I forever gonna stuck in reverse . Time is said to heal all wounds , no one said it's easy but perhaps we just gotta have faith and move on .

I found it warm and secure listening to the song below . For those who are feeling not so good , maybe you can listen to it too and I hope you feel the same too .

When you try your best but you don't succeed
When you get what you want but not what you need
When you feel so tired but you can't sleep
Stuck in reverse

And the tears come streaming down your face
When you lose something you can't replace
When you love someone but it goes to waste
Could it be worse?

Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you

And high up above or down below
When you're too in love to let it go
But if you never try you'll never know
Just what you're worth

Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you

Tears stream down your face
When you lose something you cannot replace
Tears stream down your face
And I...

Tears stream down your face
I promise you I will learn from my mistakes
Tears stream down your face
And I...

Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you

I think all of us had at least felt once or are currenlty feeling what the lyric says , right ? If you don't , you are a lucky baby and I gonna envy you . haha . hmmm ... Dear GOD , grant us those who are feeling lost and insecure the serenity to accept things we can't change , courage to change things we can and wisdom to know the difference . Regardless of race , gender , religion , appearance , vegetarian or non-vegetarian , love Leehom or don't love Leehom , read or don't read my blog , know me or don't know me .... , I wish that HE will help fixing our problem and send LIGHT to guide us home . May everyone has a blessed year ahead . =)
