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For your information , 5th of June is Ng Bee Wah's birthday and so we decided to go her house the night before her birthday to shock her nine nine . We shouted loudly at her gate around 11pm asking her to let us in 'cause I can't find any door bell . I think she really get scared by us that she hesitated a while before opening the door . We bought pizza to share with her and her family and Wong Pei Qing's hiding the cake we bought carefully and quickly ran into the kitchen to put the cake in frigde . many AND in a sentence . LOL . my grammar sucks to maximum . We actually decided to stay over night there so I told Ng Bee Wah that we were abandoned by parents , asking her to share her room with us . I know I very lame . Sorry and thanks very much to Ng Bee Wah's siblings who DONATE their room to us for one night . After finishing the pizza , we went up to the birthday girl's room . Wong Pei Qing suddenly said she wanna go downstair and fill up her bottle 'cause she used to drink a lot of water during the night . Not just a reason to get the cake up and surprise Ng Bee Wah but also true that she SERIOUSLY drink hell lot of water at night . I actually offer myself to bring the cake up at first but I am scared of lighting up the lighter so shall just let Wong Pei Qing do the job . It's 12.00am and Wong Pei Qing came in with the cake .
Ng Bee Wah's face can tell that she's very happy with the cake . Forgot to ask her to tell me her wish . After she blew out the candle , we put it back to fridge and we started to take many silly pictures with my laptop's webcam . Tham Kai Chi is not allowing me to post up her pictures so only showing the II SAKAI .



I love my pyjamas too



  1. I LOVE U TOO <3
    u 3 reli shock me lar..anyway thanks alot...giv u hug next time =)


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